Our Policies:
As a leading NDIS Provider, our policies are designed for our participant's safety, well-being and dignity, ensuring every individual feels valued, respected and understood.
Our policies included,
- Abuse, Assault or Neglect
- Advocacy
- Client Rights and Responsibilities
- Confidentiality, Privacy and Dignity policy
- Code of Conduct
- Criminal History Screening
- Culturally Appropriate Support
- Complaints
- Handling of Files and Storage of Information
- Incidents
- Manual Handling
- Participation and Integration
- Risk Management
- Workplace Health and Safety
- COVID-19
Abuse, assault or neglect:
Aura Nursing Agency acknowledges that prevention is the best protection from abuse and neglect and recognises our duty of care to put in place prevention strategies that include appropriate protocols that assist in identifying potential risks.
Service Users and their families, and Aura Nursing Agency employees should:
- Understand & recognise their rights
- Provide training to staff on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards participants
- Be aware of abuse, harm or neglect
- Report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities
- Value the input of families and advocates and communicate regularly with them
When you make allegations of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation or discrimination, you have the right to have an advocate present, Aura Nursing Agency can arrange this for you.
If you would like to speak with someone outside of Aura Nursing Agency, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:
Phone: 1800 035 544.
Advocacy is the active support for a cause or position, and, in this context it is an expression of support for a person who may find it difficult to speak for him or herself. It may include matters such as achieving social justice, improving a person's wellbeing, prevention of abusive and discriminatory treatment or stopping unjust and unfair treatment so that a person's fundamental needs and interests are met.
All participants have the right to use an advocate of their choice to represent their interests and speak on their behalf regarding any aspect of the supports or services they receive.
Our staff will work cooperatively with the participant's nominated advocate and will show the same respect to the advocate as is shown to the participant. When a participant cannot advocate for themselves, it is our organisation's policy to ensure that the participant's interests are represented and supported using a substitute decision-maker.
- Aura Nursing Agency will ensure that all staff receive training in the use of advocates
- Aura Nursing Agency will maintain printed material on advocacy and advocacy services
- Aura Nursing Agency will maintain local advocacy resource/contact lists
- Aura Nursing Agency will work cooperatively with any nominated advocate chosen by the participant and show the same respect to the advocate, as is shown to the participant
- Aura Nursing Agency will utilise a governance system to enable Aura Nursing Agency to identify where a participant needs advocacy
Client Rights and Responsibilities
As an individual, you have many rights. We support and assist you in identifying and exercising these rights to achieve your goals. Aura Nursing Agency adopts a policy of non discrimination regarding eligibility and entry to our services, and when providing support services to you.
You have the right to:
- Be treated with dignity and respect
- Have a support service that respects your right to privacy and dignity
- Have Freedom of expression, self-determination and personal decision-making
- To have access to your records held by this agency
- Have someone to speak on your behalf
- Receive support that is free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination
- Receive services from workers who are competent, appropriately qualified and have expertise in providing person-centered supports
- Advise consent to the sharing of information between providers during the transition
Your Responsibilities
As an individual using our support services, there are a few important things that we ask of you. the information below explains your responsibilities when using our services, We ask that you:
- To respect the rights of staff members, to ensure their workplace is safe and healthy and free from harassment
- To respect the conditions on the agreed service plan between you and this agency
- Provide us with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notice if you need to cancel your service
- Inform a staff member (when asked) if you wish to opt-out of providing your information to government bodies such as NDIS
Confidentiality, Privacy and Dignity policy
Aura Nursing Agency is committed to protecting and upholding the participants rights to privacy and dignity as we collect, store and handle information about them, their needs and the services provided to them.
Aura Nursing Agency requires staff and management to be considered and consistent when writing documents regarding a participant and when deciding who has access to his information.
Aura Nursing Agency is subject to NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission rules and regulations.Aura Nursing Agency will follow the guidelines of the Australian Privacy Principles in its information management practices.
It is the policy of Aura Nursing Agency that all participants, staff, volunteers and contractors will have records established upon entry to the service and maintained while actively engaging with Aura Nursing Agency.
- Aura Nursing Agency will maintain effective information management systems that keep appropriate controls of privacy and confidentiality for stakeholders
- Aura Nursing Agency's policies and procedures are stored as read-only documents in the policies and Procedures folder on the shared drive
- Aura Nursing Agency is responsible for maintaining the currency of this information with assistance from the Director and other staff members, as required
- The involvement of all staff members is encouraged to ensure Aura Nursing Agency's policies and procedures reflect best practice and to foster ownership and familiarity with the material
- A copy of each form used by our organisation is maintained in the shared drive in the sub-folder titled Forms
- All staff can access the policies and procedures at Aura Nursing Agency's office in a paper-based or electronic format
- Policies and procedures are reviewed every three (3) years a minimum, or as required
- Confidentiality of participant records is maintained
- All Aura Nursing Agency staff and volunteers responsible for providing, directing or coordinating participant support must document their activities
Participant files will provide accurate information regarding their services and support and will contain, but not limited to:
- Participant personal details
- Referral information
- Assessments
- Support plans and goals
- Participant reviews
- Details regarding service responses
- Original participant documentation is stored in the participant's central file
- Information relating to a participant's ongoing situation, including changes to their situation (e.g. increased confusion, deteriorating health, increased risk) is to be documented in the participant's notes
- Individuals are not permitted to document on behalf of another person
- Participant records will be audited regularly to ensure documentation is through, appropriate and of high quality
- Participant records will be stored in a safe and secure location with access available to authorised persons only
- Staff members must only use information collected from a participant for the purpose for which it has been collected
- Participants, family and advocates have a right to access any of their personal information that has been collected, Staff workers will support such persons to access their personal information as requested
Code of Conduct
Aura Nursing Agency is committed to encouraging a safe, supportive and productive work environment. This can only happen when everyone cooperates and agrees to suitable standards of conduct.
All Staff are required to comply with the Code of Conduct, which encapsulates the respectful, safe and professional delivery to our participants, representatives, community and any other stakeholders.
Employees are required to sign a Code of Conduct Agreement and a Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement on employment commencement.
Criminal History Screening
People with a disability can be more vulnerable to abuse, neglect and exploitation than other members of the community. A high priority for the Department of Communities is to increase the safety of people with a disability when they are accessing funded services.
Employees and volunteer organisations may use criminal checks to assess whether a candidate is honest, trustworthy, or may potentially pose a threat to others. Screening may also help protect company assets, mitigate risk, and avoid potential negligent hiring lawsuits.
An assessment of whether a person who works, or seeks to work, with participants poses a risk to them. The worker screening check assessment determines whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with participants.
Culturally Appropriate Support
Aura Nursing Agency will deliver flexible services that are designed to meet the needs of diverse peoples, We will actively provide a work environment that supports, values and encourages cultural diversity by training our staff to develop their cultural understandings.
Aura Nursing Agency will identify any real or potential barriers for the participant to access our services. Our strategies to ensure equity for all peoples may include:
- Treating people equally according to their human rights
- Encouraging inclusion of all people regardless of their background, ethnicity, culture, language, beliefs, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, level of ability, additional needs, family structure or lifestyle
- Promoting inclusive practices and ensuring the successful involvement of participants in the community to enable them to reach their goals and aspirations
Aura Nursing Agency recognises, respects, promotes and celebrates the value of cultural diversity. Our team will adopt and implement inclusive and culturally diverse policies and strategies.
Our Complaints and Feedback policy is Aura Nursing Agency's commitment to a positive complaints culture within our organisation, from the highest management levels to our frontline staff.
The policy provides the foundation for all other components of a quality complaints management and resolution framework.
The policy is intended to ensure that complaints are handled fairly efficiently and effectively.
The complaint and feedback management system intend to provide Aura Nursing Agency with information that will help us deliver quality improvements in our services, supports, roles, and complaints handling process.
Handling of Files and Storage of Information
Aura Nursing Agency is committed to ensuring that service users 'personal information' is protected within privacy laws. Aura Nursing Agency will only collect information that is relevant and applicable to the Client Centred Plan / Care plan process and meeting the needs of the service user.
Aura Nursing Agency keeps personal records on our participants, At any time, you or your advocate/guardian, can request access to see your personal information. All staff members are required to maintain the confidentiality of all data relating to participants and other staff members. This policy related to all personal data regarding both participants and team members.
It is the intention of Aura Nursing Agency to provide a safe working environment for both service users and workers. All staff members are responsible for ensuring the safety of all participants who access our services, All incidents must be reported as per this policy. Aura Nursing Agency aims to minimise incidents by documenting, reviewing and redressing the negative consequences of incidents.
While we hope that a critical incident does not occur, in the event it does we are prepared to support and assist you by following procedures that appropriately deal with a critical incident.
Aura Nursing Agency has established procedures that identify, manage and resolve incidents which include:
- Staff members will report all incidents to the director
- Completion of an incident report that identifies and records an incident
- The director is responsible for reporting incidents that are 'reportable incidents' to the NDIS Commissioner
- Supporting and assisting you if you are affected by the incident
- Collaborating with you, your family and/or advocate, to manage and resolve the incident
- Reviewing the incident and making necessary amendments to systems and processes to reduce the risk of recurrence
Manual Handling
Manual handling relates to any activity that requires effort to undertake, e.g. lifting, lowering, pushing, pilling, supporting, carrying and the moving of loads by hand or by bodily force.
Aura Nursing Agency has a responsibility for ensuring that the manual handling practices are current, and that best practice information is provided to staff workers regarding managing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries associated with hazardous manual tasks, Aura Nursing Agency takes all reasonable steps to use appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise risks in our organisation caused by hazardous manual tasks.
Staff workers and participants have a duty to take reasonable care for their health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of others. Staff workers must comply with any reasonable instructions, as far as they are able, and must also cooperate with any reasonable health and safety policies or procedures that they have been provided by Aura Nursing Agency to mitigate risk.
Aura Nursing Agency will ensure it provides:
- Appropriate equipment and related training that promotes safe manual handling practices
- Education specific to manual handling on an annual basis to guarantee staff knowledge is up to date and in line with the current sage work standards
- Induction training and instruction to workers that are suitable and adequate for their work role incorporating
- Control measures implemented
- Review and monitor the manual handling practices of employees who directly and actively participate in the delivery of care to participants
- Assessment of participants for manual handling risks and where risks are identified, ensure these are documented in their clinical record, as well as procedures/practices to be carried out to reduce the risk
- annual reviews of the individual participant that include the assessment of equipment or process relating to manual handling to ensure that these are still valid
- Review risk assessments and systems of work in light of any incidents
Our staff will ensure they take personal responsibility for reducing the potential risk of injury to themselves, participants and others, by:
- Understanding the principles of manual handling and being able to identify potential hazardous risks
- Familiarising themselves with the Safe Work Australia Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice
- Adhering to our organisation's policies and procedures relating to manual handling as outlined in this policy and the following procedures
Participation and Integration
One of the most important goals of Aura Nursing Agency's services is to provide clients with every opportunity to participate in community life.
Community inclusion helps clients gain:
- Experiences necessary for normal growth and development that are not possible in isolated settings
- A range of social and personal relationships with other members of the community
- Greater levels of independence by using community facilities and services
Aura Nursing Agency believes each individual should be supported in pursuing activities of their choice. This could involve working together with community groups to create opportunities for activities with other members of the community and to increase the friendship network of the client.
Risk Management
Aura Nursing Agency is actively working to identify, address and monitor potential risks to promote a safe environment for participants, staff and visitors and to maintain adequate and viable business operations to:
- Support effective decision-making that is guided by our mission and vision
- Ensure a consistent and effective approach to risk management
- Formalise our commitment to the principles of risk management and incorporating these into all areas of the business
- Align the planning, quality and risk management systems and integration into all areas of our operations
- Implement robust corporate governance practices to manage risk while allowing innovation and development
Risk management is built into all areas of our operations, including service delivery and corporate governance. Risk management is the responsibility of all staff members and all areas of the organisation.
It is the responsibility of the Director to carry out risk management analyses for the organisation and to take appropriate measures.
Aura Nursing Agency recognises the importance of managing risk and ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of their role in identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risk in a systematic risk management approach.
Workplace Health and Safety
Aura Nursing Agency aims to promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental and social wellbeing of all individuals in the workplace. The organisation will comply with all relevant federal and state legislation to ensure a safe workplace. All personnel have a responsibility to ensure a safe workplace by implementing safe systems of work.
Aura Nursing Agency will provide the resources required to comply with relevant acts and regulations associated with workplace health and safety to ensure that the organisation's workplace are safe and health risk.
Aura Nursing Agency will undertake regular reviews and take steps to enhance workplace health and safety on a continuous improvement basis.
COVID-19 (CoronaVirus Disease 2019) is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 Virus.
COVID-19 most often causes respiratory symptoms that can feel much like a cold, the flu, or pneumonia. COVID-19 may attack more than your lungs and respiratory system. Other parts of your body may also be affected by the disease. Most people with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, but some people become severely ill. Some people including those with minor or no symptoms, will develop post COVID conditions - also cold "Long COVID".
The following list does not include all possible symptoms. Symptoms may change with new COVID-19 variants and can vary depending on vaccination status. Possible symptoms include:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- New loss of taste or smell
- Fatigue
- Muscle orf body ache
- Headache
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
How COVID-19 Spreads
COVID-19 spreads when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. Other people can breathe in these droplets and particles, or these droplets and particles can land on other's eyes, nose or mouth. In some circumstances, these droplets may contaminate the surfaces they touch.
Anyone infected with COVID-19 can spread it, even if they do not have symptoms. COVID-19 can even spread from people to animals in some situations.
Some people are more likely than others to get very sick if they get COVID-19. This includes people who:
- Are older
- Are immunocompromised (Have a weakened immune system)
- Have certain disabilities or
- Have underlying health conditions
There are many actions you can take to help protect you, your household and your community from COVID-19. Also,
- Washing hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitiser
- Using a tissue to cover your mouth when coughing/sneezing
- Avoid touching your face
- Staying home if feeling unwell
- Practicing social distancing
You may need a COVID-19 Test if you have been exposed with an infected person or have flu-like symptoms. The test administered by a health professional involves a swap in the nose or throat, with results available in one or 2 days, or you or your carar can do a self test for you and results will be available in a few minutes.
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